Monday 3 September 2018

Its elite rulers versus the plebian ruled not Brexiters vs Remainers that divides our country.

Its the same as at the end of the Roman republic plebs vs patricians or during the French revolution aristos versus the sans culottes. What is really driving our political elite is that the plebs in June2015 did not vote the way their political leaders instructed them to so its class war, bien pensants versus workers and not before time.

The French church around 1790 and the aristos enjoyed huge tax breaks. We have the BBC and the political elite doing the same today with their salaries paid into basically tax tax shelters whilst the plebs, on PAYE have no such breaks. As in 1790 France this leaves the plebs to shoulder an unfair proportion of the tax burden.

Have you ever seen a poor politician?

Then there are all the nice little earners they get from their the financial influence their elected position gives them to say nothing of hosting lucrative corporate events on the Westminster terrace on the bank of the Thames. A very nice perk for the political elite that can be, and is, easily  hidden from the tax man.

That is why the elite are fighting so hard to discredit Brexit , the love of money pure and simple.


FW said...

Have you ever seen a poor politician, you ask.

Well, Farage is always whining about how all those years trying to get by on an EU salary has left him impoverished. You couldn't possibly be implying he's been less than truthful about this, could you?

Eric Edmond said...

As in the famous Greek paradox, all politicians are liars