Saturday 17 November 2018

This is as bad as slavery

Written from MacDs in Funchal

I look forward to Major Major's revised plan

He and his Harrogate friends never realised they were in a war. They know now.


Niall Warry said...

I don't support her plan I support Efta/EEA which is a completely different.

Stephen Harness said...

Unless one subscribes to the Spectator there is an element of mystery to the article by Steerpike. Sadly there is also an element of mystery to the article 40 rebuttals to Steerpikes 40 horrors.

Stephen Harness said...

MP Nick Bowles suggested on the 30th October that the UK should join EEA/EFTA group for the transition period to allow a bespoke trade deal with the EU to be negotiated.
In truth this would possibly be a lengthy negotiation but could be done without a timescale panic. The disadvantage may have been that the UK would never leave EEA/EFTA, a change of government may have betrayed negotiations and rejoined the EU or that the four freedoms would raise the issues of immigration resurrecting UKIP from the ashes. That said it would surely have been better than the bespoke disaster presented by our PM.

NFYeah said...


Eric Edmond said...

May's deal is perpetual slavery