The reasons she gave for standing down was that the election had come at the wrong time, (is there ever a right time?) as she was in the middle of buying a house and she was unable to devote sufficient time to her campaign. Ho hum and the band played believe it if you like or as the Yanks would say, tell it to the marines, in this case former Royal Marine Paddy Ashdown pictured with Daisy below

There must be more to it than this. I and many other have bought and sold houses whilst doing our job so what is up with Daisy?
I googled the good lady and here is how the Brussels Broadcasting Corporation reported it
Only last week the lady was raring to go
Here is how Lib Dem voice reported her candidacy last July
Something does not add up about this story. The Lib Dems pride themselves on their organisation and getting good candidates in place early. Who will they choose next for Yeovil? I am not available. I am disapponted in this hiccup in the well oiled Lib Dem machine. I had always admired their organisation judging by the number of Lib Dems who have knocked unsuucessfuly on my door these last few years.
Perhaps the Lib Dems should read Sakespeares Henry V, speech before Agincourt. Larry hams it up in the link below:
Just replace the French with the EU!
PS I should add Daisy Buchanan gave the Great Gatsby the elbow in the end and went back to the seriously rich man and her secure status in society. I leave the reader to draw the right comparison.
PPS Rifkind Jnr in the Times seems to imply Daisy was made an offer she could not refuse from Don Paddy Pantsdown. Difficult to tell fake news these days
Sounds like she's chickened out just like Far*ge.
You're right though (on this occasion). Something does seem to have gone on behind the scenes. I do hope the fragrant Daisy hasn't been clusterfucked by old Paddy Pantsdown.
Perhaps you should ask Ashdown why he fawned over her to give her the job in the first place?
As for the excuse, well, it's possibly the lamest ever. Poor snowflake won't get another decent seat any time soon.
Paddy is not the brightest politician I have ever met. The LibDems are a bit short of ladies and they are getting desperate. Paddy does not do conversation only lectures on my moral shortcomings. I am sure I have many but compared to Paddy I am a positive Saint. I doubt he even took one bite out of that hat.
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