Friday, 11 October 2019

Short term partisan interest is all our dishonest MPs consider

This manifests itself right now as the sheep bleating for a second referendum. They did not like the result of the one held on  23 June 2016 when in the biggst turnout ever 17.4 million of us voted to leave the EU and 16.1 million voted to remain. This vote to leave has never been implemented by our remain dominated Parliament and Government  who think they know best and the people are thick. So in the traditions of the EU make us vote again to deliver the EU approved answer.That is the EU version of non-democracy that the anti democratic Lib Dems love.

There .was another referendum in 2014 in Scotland on whether the Scots should stay or leave the UK. The result was 2.0 million for stay and 1.62 million for leave. The leader of  leave campaign, Alec Salmond immediately accepted the result . In the 2016 UK election the remainer dominated Goverment of  T  May  said they respected the vote but immediately started y campaign to reverse it.

There you have the difference. Alec Salmond behaved honorably while Theresa May behaved dishonorably. Her dishonest behavior set an example for Nicola Sturgeon who can and will now campaign for another  referendum in Scotland. Dishonorable politicians have to live with the consequences of their duplicity but unfortunately so do we the plebs.


Niall Warry said...

I know for you Scotland has a very special place in your heart but you exaggerate Alex Salmond's acceptance of the result of their independence referendum.

Eric Edmond said...

I was in Edinburgh that night when Wee Eck accepted the result saying its settled for a generation.