Thursday, 24 October 2019

What's in a Politician's name?

What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”   Romeo and Juliet 

Our leading politicians however do not seem to agree with Shakespeare on this subject judging by their choices  of  name not only their policies but also themselves.

When I first worked with Heath Secretary Hancock, I and others in the BoE, called him Matthew. He then got involved with George Osborne and became the much more man of the people Matt Hancock. His then boss Osborne had been initially called Gideon but he thought this sounded too posh for an  aspiring man of the people and changed his name to the more plebian George.

Then there is white van woman Thornberry who can be Lady Nugee, wife of high court judge Nugee when it suits her. no James Kavanagh or Martha Costello she.

Finally Mrs Balls springs to mind who uses her maiden name Cooper. Personally I prefer the US female nomenclature of double barreled names like Evert Lloyd which makes clear her married relationship.  Its sometimes helpful to know who our politicians are related to.and what social class they come from.

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