To anyone who has dealt his response was perfectly predictable and in my opinion correct if we want to leave the EU. Its which is the greater loyalty party, self or country? For BoJo it is clearly and entirely the former two. with self love dominant. For Farage self love also dominates but his patriotism exceeds BoJo's, witness his frequent trips to WWI battlefields. For Farage party matters little. Its only a vehicle for Farage's ambition.
Farage's career can be split into two parts, before Donald and AD after Donald. Before Donald Farage would have been delighted to park his bum on the red leather. But AD things went to Farage's head.He thought he was a real player. Trump spotted this and with a large dollop of flattery, a speciality of the House, Farage was Trump's poodle.
Farage has become like a fading Hollywood star, trapped in his own publicity from which he cannot escape. BoJo will reel him in and hang him out to dry. A pity, Nigel could have been a contender but his ego got too big like a Shakespearean tragic hero or perhaps like Icarus he flew too near the Sun King, Donald
I agree with most of what you say except his only priority is himself and I agree he cares not a jot for his party but IMO he also cares not a jot for the country.
His aim now is to stay in the EU for the salary, expenses and perks.
Interesting observations a couple of weeks ago from a well-respected figure who has seen Farage up close, namely Stuart Wheeler.
Mr Wheeler told the Evening Standard that Farage "would be a hopeless prime minister” and that "problems would arise in the (fortunately almost inconceivable) event that Nigel became prime minister.”
There speaks one who knows.
As it happens, I used to know Mr Wheeler quite well and when he abandoned his own short-lived party, the Trust Party, in order to become UKIP's treasurer, I told him I didn't share his faith in Farage. We politely disagreed - he is unfailingly polite - and I am glad that eventually he had his eyes opened and came to share my opinion of Farage.
Yes. some time ago, I engaged in an e-mail exchange with Stuart Wheeler when he was supporting Nigel trying to point out his deficiencies so I'm glad he has seen the light.
To understand Nige you have to realise he is only interested in himself and is a corrupt individual.
When I left UKIP in late 2000, it was a considerable wrench, as I was deeply committed to the cause. So I resolved not to knock UKIP but simply moved to campaigning on a cross party basis. My quarrel was with the unwillingness ( or inability) of the cabal around Farage to tell the truth to members about matters which seemed important then but now look rather trivial in the perspective of years. I think around 300 keen activists left around that time but many good people ( who deplored the goings-on) remained because of TINA ( There Is No Alternative) and Farage’s gift of communication was one of the party’s few assets.
Nigel Farage is a 'one trick pony'. I have many issues with him and lack of respect for all the UKIP membership and those who were candidates, like myself, at council and parliamentary elections. Even those who got elected at council level, like myself. That said, without Nigel Farage there would not have been an EU Referendum. The UKIP surge forced David Cameron to grant the referendum. We must never forget the part Nigel played in the long fight to allow the UK electorate to decide. Yes, I do have lingering issues about how that referendum campaign was conducted and that victory was achieved despite a dreadful campaign concentrating on immigration. A landslide was turned into a marginal victory and Nigel must take some of the responsibility for that.
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