It was wall to wall Farage on the BBC over the weekend culminating in his appearance on the LibDem Andrew Marr show on Sunday. The BBC/Lib Dem propaganda lie of Britain now being isolated in Europe was peddled assiduously on the BBC worldwide to the huge detriment of our country. Why did Farage not challenge this patent lie? France and Germany have both put out statements today saying their relations with the UK are intact.
Its the same with the oft repeated claim that 3 million British jobs depend on our EU membership. Farage never asks the basis for this propaganda. Why not?
The answer is Farage and the BBC have a nauseating symbiotic relationship. Farage is free to do his usual monkey on a stick, grandstanding rant on the condition he does not tackle anything that could seriously damage the EU such as addressing the questions above. Nigel Farage is the BBC's Eurosceptic tame poodle. Nigel Farage is not a serious politician. He prefers the cheap shot to the hard work of serious argument. Poor EUKIP to saddle themselves with such a shallow leader.
As I write Cameron is giving a virtuoso performance in the Commons answering over 100 backbench questions on his EU treaty veto statement. Clegg was no where to be seen! A man who talks about walking tall in Europe! A typical slimy Lib Dem tactic!. It was gratifying to see some Labour MPs, Kate Hooey, Graham Stringer, Frank Field etc supporting the PM. Its a pity the BBC cannot do likewise. Millipede's lack of any alternative policy was cruelly exposed.
On the markets the Italian managed to get a one year bond away at 5.95%. Their 10 year bond rate closed at 7.11%, bail out territory again. Compare this with the slightly negative rate on a 3 month Dutch bill. This shows the markets are seeking safety and have doubts about the security of their money in Euroland banks.
Equity markets worldwide are down about 2 %. For us the BBC is now as big a problem as the EU.
Nigel Farage is not a serious politician. He prefers the cheap shot to the hard work of serious argument. Poor EUKIP to saddle themselves with such a shallow leader.
Agree with all that except the word "poor". When they vote for NF they know exactly what they're getting.
John, I agree. They blindly follow Farage as a cult follows its leader and choose to believe the vile lies spread about those who point out its too too obvious shortcomings.
Eric E
Classification of open relationship means that two people have a fundamental commitment to each other with a loophole allowing each and so on ...
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