I always get into trouble for saying Betty von Battenberg, to give her her name following standard nomenclature conventions , is probably a decent old stick but cares more about her dogs and horses than she does about our poor benighted country. This always upsets the many who think the Queen is wonderful and omnipotent in the UK. She is neither. She is a constitutional monarch whose only function is to deny the position of head of state to slime ball politicians, a good thing, but a function my granny could perform equally well. As such a monarch she has to sign anything the boy puts in front of her. The last monarch to refuse ended up without his head a fate Mrs von Battenberg wishes to avoid.
Thus it is that in her New Year honours list, Order of St Michael and St George under KCMG we read the name Dr Michael Leigh, former Brussels bureaucrat. His citation is "for services to the enlargement of the European Union". I call upon UKIP's many monarchists to write to Betty asking her not to knight this man who has been working for the dissolution of her realm which also happens to be our country.
Meanwhile, back from an unsuccessful ski trip after a hair raising journey through thick snow and avalanches I find the newspaper headlines not dealing with the Eurozone collapse but the successful recovery of Mr von Battenberg from a potentially fatal blocked coronary artery shown by his attendance yesterday at his wife's local church. I am glad he has recovered and hope the boy will soon be introducing a free NHS helicopter service to Papworth cardiology department for the ordinary taxpayers of the UK.
The boy, to keep the electorate happy, is going to follow a circuses only policy this year. The bread bit has been dropped because of coalition cuts. These cuts will not of course apply to MPs, MEPs, members of the royal family etc but will apply to the little people, the poor and huddled masses yearning for a crust..
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