Yesterday evening to escape the BBC contemplating its navel I switched to ITV at 10:30 to a programme called the Agenda chaired and invented by their well connected political editor, Tom Bradby. I was astounded to find the PM appearing on and much worse sitting next the actress Rebecca Front the actress who plays the recently deposed leader of the opposition Nicola Murray memorably dubbed an omni-shambles by Malcolm Tucker, the Alastair Campbell type character in the BBC political satire, 'The Thick of It". Cameron's lack of judgement is appalling. As my granny used to say a man is known by the company he keeps. Sitting on a sofa next to an omni-shambles makes Cameron look one himself.
The other two 'guests' were arch snob Julian Fellowes who writes Downton Abbey and less controversial Stella Rimington former head of MI5. Quite obviously there is no one of any political sense left advising Cameron. No wonder he gets screwed by the EU.
At lunch time I watched the pathetic new BBC DG omni-shambles, George Entwistle blaming the News Night editor Peter Ripon for the Savile PR disaster whilst denying all knowledge of anything himself. Why are we paying this guy £500,000 or so? He played the three wise monkey defence worse tan James Murdoch before the same committee. Clearly the MPs are going to have Mr Rippon in to get his side of the story plus his direct boss Helen Boaden for another grilling. Meanwhile more BBC damaging emails are emerging. This one will run and run. Mr Entwistle is obviously going for the record of shortest tenure as DG in the history of the Beeb.
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