Monday 29 April 2013

Farage's EUKIP is pissing away our best chance to exit the EU

On Saturday I read a two  page spread in the Daily Mail opposite their leader column by Robin Page on what goes on in local authorities headlined "Democracy don't make me laugh". I recommend reading it. Robin has been elected as an independent on South Cambridge District Council for many years. He really takes the lid off the LibLabCon  abuse of the system for their own ends. read it by clicking

It is a great piece aimed at Thursday's local elections. Don't you wish UKIP had somebody like this to front up their local election campaign? Well they could have but Farage vetoed his going on the Eastern  region UKIP MEP slate despite Del, David and my own protests. It left the field clear for Farage's favoured candidates Bannerman and Agnew. Well we all know what Bannerman did but has Agnew done anything at all?

It sums up why Farage is a UKIP leadership disaster. His chosen appointees to run the party Duffy, Reeve are in charge of candidate selection and training, Crowther is in overall charge of running the party. They must take responsibility for the omnishambles that is EUKIP's local election campaign. UKIP has had many more able people in these roles before but they have died or been sent into exile by Farage to leave UKIP with his sycophants just as Robin Page was exiled.

I have no doubt UKIP will win a lot of votes on Thursday not because they have fought any sort of campaign but simply because the electorate want to give LibLabCon a good kicking. As Warren Buffet often points out a rising tide lifts all boats but its when the tide goes out you can see who has been swimming naked. UKIP is currently benefitting from the flood tide but what will happen when the tide turns. I am less certain they will win many seats. Converting votes into seats needs a proper party machine and management. Nigel and his sycophants don't do organisation. They prefer the fickle flattery of BBC TV that well known Europhile organisation and its nice pre show green room.

Farage's bosum buddy Bloom has been doing his best to torpedo the campaign with his views on working women of child bearing age and his comments on UKIP's policy vacuum. Who needs political enemies when Godders is around. When the solids hit the fan this weekend Nuttall, another Farage protegy was wheeled out to defend the indefensible on TV whilst the Farage kept his head down in the Fuerher Bunker. All Nuttall could do was to blame the nasty Tories for digging up the dirt on dodgy UKIP candidates. Well Mr Nuttall its you and your boss who are responsible for selecting these candidates. If you had done your job and selected and checked out candidates properly there would have been a lot less dirt for the Tories to find!

This will I fear be UKIP's high water mark gaining only a small number of seats. It could have been so much more and given us a real stepping stone into Westminster. The opportunity will have been wasted and may not ever come again.

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