Saturday 28 September 2013

Off to Scotland for a few days so no blogging

Off to see Jack Vettriano at Kelvingrove art gallery. Then Edinburgh & wee 'Eck, a real Nationalist leader who resigned his seat in the parliament of the evil empire to live, work and die in his native land. Why don't you take some lessons from wee 'Eck Nigel. You need them.

A Vettriano original but does it say crap.

1 comment:

ALAN WOOD said...

Whilst you were away it was reported in the Saturday edition of The Mail that Farage would be contesting THANET in the General Election, the reasoning being that there is a cadre of UKIP support.

If this is true, does Farage see a loss in the South East Region European Elections (probably not), a possibility that a UKIP candidate could win a seat in the 2015 General Election (possibly)and claim leadership of UKIP by right.

Hence, he would have to win a seat himself and lead the Party in the commons as a potential coalition partner to the Tories(less Cameron).

With today's revelations on EUReferendum that the next EU Treaty is looming and that the process of ever-closer union will not be stopped (if the Commission has anything to do with it), Cameron will have to squirm on a pointed stick.

His position will become exposed and it remains to be seen whether the backbenchers become restive.