Sunday, 11 May 2014

Farage's poor choice of people lets down UKIP

Farage gave a good solid performance with Andrew Neil today. He talked about what he wanted to discuss and avoided being drawn  in to traps by Neil who was not at his best and his line of questioning was very predictable. Farage got away with a couple of woppers. He does not want to go to the House of Lords and he had no hand in Helmers's selection as UKIP candidate for Newark. Those of us who know the man know this is as unlikely as the Pope canonising Vladimir Putin.

Farage is a poor judge of people something which will increasingly put UKIP on the back foot as UKIP candidates and officials come under increasing media scrutiny and stings. Thus the Daily Mail today 'exposes' Helmer's liitle adventures with one Alexandra Swain a 26 yearold blond defector from the Tories click below to read the full details.

She is a pretty girl

Alexandra Swann said she was sacked by UKIP MEP Roger Helmer after he took her to a lap dancing club

but as they say there is no fool like an old fool. But who gave Ms Swain a VIP ticket into UKIP? Nigel Farage of course she is the latest in a long line of such people and as long as Farage stays leader she won't be the last!

As I wrote earlier selecting Helmer was a huge mistake. The best candidates are 'clean skins'. Helmer with his vast amount of political baggage is a gift for the media and ensures UKIP cannot win in Newark. A clean skin would have made things much harder for the Daily Mail.

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