Monday, 3 November 2014

UK Press starts to wise up on Farage's nasty EU friends

A Daily Mail piece is headlined

Fascists, felons and fanatical fools: Ugly truth about Farage's friends in Brussels. No they're no longer a party of 'fruitcakes and nutters'...but just look who UKIP cosies up to in EU parliament.

Click on link below to read full piece

It lists some of Nigel's unsavoury EU friends and their awful views. Why is he doing this to UKIP? Money!

Why is he employing a French woman Aurelie Laloux, as Ukip’s chief of staff? Can he not find a Brit? She and her husband, a policy adviser to the Christian Democrats EU group, earn close to £200,000 a year. Its money again!.

‘I would not sit next to these people on a bus, let alone in parliament, and things have got worse since I left,’ said Mike Nattrass, a former MEP who quit the party last year.

As the General Election approaches this will increase and eventually Farage will fall. That will be no loss but UKIP will fall with him and that will be a tragedy. Carswell &  Reckless will have to act quickly if UKIP is to be salvaged. They will need support from influential UKIP MEPs O'Flynn, Aker and Woolf. I hope they get it.

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