Sunday, 2 November 2014

Alex Salmond shows how to do politics. Farage actors urgently required

Wee Eck gave a virtuso performance against Marr this morning.Andy never laid a glove on him. Click

and fast forward to 19mins into programme to see the interview.

Main points:

Asked if he thought Scotland would become independent in the next 10 or 20 years, Salmond said "Yes".
"The destination is set. But the number of stops along the way and the exact timetable I think that's to be determined," 

"It will actually be determined by the Scottish people."
Unlike the sordid LibDems Alec will never go to the House of Lords or accept a Knighthood. He is in the true tradition of Wallace and Bruce, a Scottish patriot who will fight to get his country back till his last breath
C4 is doing a UKIP drama and is requesting nominations of evil types to play Farage. Click to Spectator link below to read the runners and riders.

Currently the bookies have Michael Sheen, who played Tony Blair in the Queen and Brian Clough in Damned United as a strong possiblity but the Spectator fancies that Bruno Ganz, "so mesmerising as Adolf Hitler in ‘Downfall’, will get the nod."

They hope to put the programme out just before the May General Election. I look forward to UKIP requesting an injunction.

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