Friday, 31 October 2014

UKIP cock up Rotheram Police & Crime Commissioner Election

Why did UKIP lose? The same old reasons. Farage's cabal never learn. They are plain thick.

Poor organisation of the postal vote

Wrong choice of candidate, an ex-plod from the South Yorkshire force. That's right the bunch that tried to cover up their part in the Hillsborough disaster. People want an independent commissioner not one steeped in the local police that people are complaing about. It's the same with the IPCC, full of ex-coppers. Independent it is not!

Dr Billings is a vicar.


Labour's Alan Billings has been voted in as the new Police and Crime Commissioner for South Yorkshire.
Dr Billings took just over 50% of the vote in the poll held following the resignation of Shaun Wright amid the Rotherham child abuse scandal.
UKIP's Jack Clarkson finished second with 32% of the vote, the Conservatives were third and the English Democrats fourth.
The turnout was 14.88%, down from 14.93% in 2012.
Doncaster council chief executive, Jo Miller, said the turnout at the ballot box in the town was only 3.5%, with 11.7% postal votes.
Dr Billings said: "I'm very pleased. It's been very, very hard fought. Given the circumstances it's very gratifying that the Labour Party is able to re-establish itself in South Yorkshire as a credible force."
The Conservative candidate Ian Walker took nearly 13% of the vote, with David Allen of the English Democrats polling just under 6%.
The by-election was called after Mr Wright resigned on 16 September following weeks of pressure built up by a report into child abuse in Rotherham.
The Alexis Jay Report revealed that more than 1,400 children in the town had been sexually exploited by gangs of men.
Mr Wright had been the councillor who oversaw Rotherham's children's services between 2005 and 2010.

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