Saturday 2 March 2019

First Brexit thoughts on myreturn

It now is clear it will be Brino. UKIP always lacked MPs,  2 or 3 would have sufficed to scare the Tories Local candidates in 6 or so in UKIP areas would have had a much better chance of being elected than fags and beer Farage and scouser Nuttal being parachuted in over local candidates.

We had a chance but blew it.


Niall Warry said...

Welcome home - and I imagine you have had quite a trip.

As to whether we get BRINO or not it can not be stated enough times that after a 45 year relationship with the EU, in which we helped to develop the SM and CU, leaving was ALWAYS going to be a PROCESS and not and just an event. To think otherwise is not to understand the issues surrounding Brexit at all.

Henry IX said...

Keep 'em coming wee Derick...

"The other Tory I find impressive is Nick Boles

He also seems to pass the Common Sense test, unusual for a PPE man in my experience. He does seem to have some practical ideas on how to leave the EU, first Norway then Canada. A lot clearer than Chequers."

Blind stoat said...

By the way, Eric - have you enquired of Maj. Warry if the events of the last few months have in any way diminished his enthusiasm for referenda as a means of translating the people's will into effective government?

For my part, I can only say that events have served merely to reinforce my view that we are right to resort to such means so sparingly.

Stephen Harness said...

In truth Cameron burst the UKIP bubble with his promise of an EU in/out referendum, a referendum he thought was impossible to lose. UKIP should have picked up another banner, such as PR, to run with. They had no exit strategy to leave the EU and have become irrelevant after the lurch to the right. Yes a missed opportunity.