Sunday 12 May 2019

Farage squashes Marr & the BBC

Farage rightly simply did not go along with Marr's agenda from square one. Marr was left furiously thumbing through his carefully prepared historical notes which were made irrelevant by Farage insisting on talking on talking about the forth coming Euro elections. The great BBC wallah wa out manoeuvred . Priceless!

Guido's Farage quote

“This is absolutely ludicrous, I’ve never in my life seen a more ridiculous interview than this. You are not prepared to talk about what is going on in this country today. You’re in denial. The BBC’s in denial. The Tory and Labour Parties are in denial.”


Last time it was Sir Clegg who got thrashed. Who is next from the lazy liberal political elite for a damn good thrashing

1 comment:

Niall Warry said...

The only trouble is Farage still, after all these years, hasn't got a workable plan to leave the EU. Leaving on WTO terms is no answer as this would bring economic disruption for years while we negotiated a workable trade agreement on all the goods and services we currently enjoy with the EU 27.

The WTO lays down a template to conduct negotiations and is NOT an agreement in itself.

May's WA, while far from perfect, gives us two years to work out our final trading relationship with the EU and this is something Farage, who has never done detail, simply does not understand.