Tuesday 14 May 2019

How our MPs gave away our country to Brussels over the last 45 years

The responsibility for the current  Brexit mess lies squarely at the door of the last two generations of our corrupt venal MPs since 1970.

A good showing in the local elections in May 1970 had convinced Wilson that Labour could win an early election, and the day was set for 18 June.

 The Tories had a surprise General Election victory. Heath won on the back of a very misleading statement oft repeated that he would cut the rate of increase  of inflation at a stroke. The electorate confused did not recognise the difference between inflation and the rate of increase of nflation, This was of course deliberate on Heath's part. The voters had not forgiven Wilson for the 1967 sterling devaluation or his subsequent speech saying this did not mean the pound in your pocket was now worth less, a blatant lie.

The devaluation crisis of 1967 had also damaged Wilson's prestige, as had the second refusal by French president Charles de Gaulle to let Britain enter the Common Market.

Four days earlier on 14th June England had lost 3-2 after extra time in the Mexico World Cup quarter finals to West Germany

So Heath won on the back of two very misleading statements and a bad football result and French rebuff.

In 1963 Heath had lead the De Gaulle  rejected attempt by the UK to join the Common Market so when he won in 1970 he made it his governments top priority to join the Common Market. It appeared in the Tory manifesto as,

‘If we can negotiate the right terms, we believe that it would be in the long-term interest of the British people for Britain to join the European Economic Community, and that it would make a major contribution to both the prosperity and the security of our country. The opportunities are immense. Economic growth and a higher standard of living would result from having a larger market.
But we must also recognise the obstacles. There would be short-term disadvantages in Britain going into the European Economic Community which must be weighed against the long-term benefits. Obviously there is a price we would not be prepared to pay. Only when we negotiate will it be possible to determine whether the balance is a fair one, and in the interests of Britain.
Our sole commitment is to negotiate; no more, no less. As the negotiations proceed we will report regularly through Parliament to the country.
A Conservative Government would not be prepared to recommend to Parliament, nor would Members of Parliament approve, a settlement which was unequal or unfair. In making this judgement, Ministers and Members will listen to the views of their constituents and have in mind, as is natural and legitimate, primarily the effect of entry upon the standard of living of the individual citizens whom they represent.’
This is just what we want today but MPs then and now voted with their wallets and waved two fingers at what the people wanted so nothing has changed in 45 years and Farage is correct to say we have to change the system to one which reprents the people's interests not MP's interests.

Our MPs gave away our country. It was not their's to give. The Heath lie that no loss of national sovereignty would arise from  joining the EU must now be clear to even the thickest Remainer. We are now an EU colony ruled from Brussels.

We must seize this opportunity to leave the EU. Brussels will ensure we never get another chance.

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