Farage's graciously delivered decision today to stand down Brexit MP candidates in Tory held seats is a masterstroke. He can now trumpet his country before party credentials up and down the land. He has turned a negative into a positive put BoJo on the back foot and holed Corbyn and self selected PM elect Swinson below the water line.
He has pit Peterborough and Radnor in jeopardy for Labour and the LibDems, an excellent result.
He can now wrap himself in the Union Jack and attack as unpatriotic Labour and the LibDems. He has done just what Corbyn and Swinson did not want and made their problems a whole lot bigger.
If he can now scupper Queen Nicola he will rival Machiavelli.as a political operator.and concentrate his forces like Napoleon.
Nothing like making a virtue out of necessity
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