Sunday, 10 November 2019

What is the Remain option?

Those calling for a second EU glibly  demand that Remain must be an option in the ballot paper we vote on but what is this option things have changed drastically since we voted on 23rd June 2016. The Lisbon treaty was signed 13th Dec 2007. The full effects of this treaty have not  as yet fully worked their way into UK law but between 23rd June 1916 to date a lot could have happened .

I quote some of the main points affecting the UK as given in Wikepedia

'Prominent changes included the move from unanimity to qualified majority voting in at least 45 policy areas in the Council of Ministers, a change in calculating such a majority to a new double majority, a more powerful European Parliament forming a bicameral legislature alongside the Council of Ministers under the ordinary legislative procedure, a consolidated legal personality for the EU and the creation of a long-term President of the European Council and a High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. The Treaty also made the Union's bill of rights, the Charter of Fundamental Rights, legally binding. The Treaty for the first time gave member states the explicit legal right to leave the EU, and established a procedure by which to do so.
The stated aim of the treaty was to "complete the process started by the Treaty of Amsterdam [1997] and by the Treaty of Nice [2001] with a view to enhancing the efficiency and democratic legitimacy of the Union and to improving the coherence of its action".[4] Opponents of the Treaty of Lisbon, such as former Danish Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Jens-Peter Bonde, argued that it would centralize the EU,[5] and weaken democracy by "moving power away" from national electorates.[6] Supporters argue that it brings more checks and balances into the EU system, with stronger powers for the European Parliament and a new role for national parliaments'

This treaty waters down the powers  of national parliaments and increases the power of the Brussels bureaucracy.Its the same old con but it never gets called out by the BBC EU philes who get lots of our dosh from the EU. Something they like to keep quiet about. The  BBC is very hot on exposing  others conflicts  of interests but not on exposing their own. The BBC clearly needs a drastic reform and clear out

So when the elite demand remain must be kept on the table but leave with no deal removed you now know why. It all comes back to money for the elite and blame for us plebs. Please ask your EU phile MP what are we being asked to Remain in the and  how much do they receive from the EU directly or indirectly?

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