Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Nikki effective whilst Farage is anonymous; NEC runners & riders

Cameron's referendum false promise can be seen as a triumph for Nikki Sinclaire's persistent hard work gathering signatures for petitions demanding an EU referendum, that was the petition Farage had to be shamed into signing by Nikki in front of the TV cameras. Nikki's pressure has helped force Cameron into granting a hypothetical referendum if he can win the next General Election. Its nowhere near enough but it is more than Farage and his EU paid army of sycophants has achieved.

Since Cameron's announcement Farage has not been seen on the air waves. For why? He does not know what to do. He has been skewered by Cameron and I for one am not going to help get him off the hook.

I have also received a copy of the UKIP NEC ballot paper for next month's elections.

Note the usual UKIP howler - wrong year! Perhaps Mr Crowther should investigate or on second thoughts that might make things worse. UKIP are always a bit off the pace.

I can only recommend those one should not vote for as they are Farage sycophants so say No to McGough, Mickelwait & Moncrieff. Mr Bown has given a lot of money to EUKIP and I wish serial candidate and Murky Castle old boy Rob McWhirter good luck. He deserves something for his persistenc.


Mike Bridgeman said...

I am not so sure that Nigel Farage saying very little at the moment is such a bad thing.
I would like the dust to settle, see what the polls are saying, see what Labour intend to do rather than Ed's knee jerk reaction. You could say something now that could look very silly in a couple of weeks time.
What he did say was that he was going to target the Labour vote now. That was quite sensible in my view.
I am quick to be critical but I think a bit of time for reflection all round is quire sensible.

Eric Edmond said...

I will put it another way, the' bubonic self publicist is acting a bit out of character.

I can't see Labour voters turning to Farage's former Tory cronies. That is
BNP territory.