Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Hamilton goes to Eastleigh.Where Is Marta?

Today's DT publishes a very fetching picture of Neil arriving at Eastleigh station with a UKIP rosette in his cap. All wanabee MEPs should follow his fine example of how to suck up to Nigel. Now who used to wear his colours on his hat? No, not Richard III he used his sleeve. That's right screaming Lord Such of the Monster Raving Loony party memorably defeated by the Fuerher at Eastleigh 20 years ago. Have UKIP found their very own Screaming Lord Such?

Labour have chosen media luvvie John O'Farrel as their candidate. The Lib Dems continue to hammer away at the important issues for ordinary people like what days do they want their bins collected. UKIP's Diane has been laying into the Romanian immigrant pickpocket problem and the wonderful Maria, Tory grassroots candidate, has been silenced by Tory Central Office. I sympathise with her. Nigel thinks he has crushed the Marta allegation that he does not like intelligent women by the selection of Diane but has he, and what does Godders think? We have a right to know.

The bookies odds tell it all. I took the odds from 7 bookies and corrected for profit margin. Betfair has the smallest profit margin at 7% compared to roughly 12% for the other firms. This gave the average probability of  a win as:

LibDems 53%
Tories 37%
Labour 7%

Note this is not the percentage you get from an opinion poll but it looks like the dustmen will win hands down and rubbish left on UKIP's drive .

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