Wednesday, 4 June 2014

New UKIP MEPs smell the sprouts

I am grateful to Jabba leChat for tweeting this picture of Pinky and Perky. UKIP MEPs

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and here they all are laughing all the way to the bank

As per Animal Farm the middle one is called Napoleon. According to Guido Farage is not at Newark but of in Malta recharging something

With the polls opening in a matter of hours for a crunch by-election, where is the leader of the party that is hoping to break through to Westminster for the first time? Nigel Farage is certainly not in Newark. Instead he was spotted at the Hilton Hotel in sunny Malta, 1,718 miles from rainy old Nottinghamshire. Instead of campaigning, Farage is hobnobbing with Helen Grant and Lord Adonis at the Institute of Travel & Tourism’s conferenceA vote of confidence for Helmer!

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