Monday, 4 August 2014

UKIP NEC is running scared today

UKIP NEC meetings take place on the first Monday of the month except August when people members are on holiday or when the Cabal has not sufficient numbers to carry their nasty proposals and NEC meetings are cancelled by the Chairman. There is however a meeting today. Why?

I opine it may be related to the activities of a large Irish investigative journalist, one Conor Spackman, who with his Northern Ireland BBC camera team has been interviewing all and sundry from all over the UK for the last six weeks delving into UKIP's potentially dodgy financial dealings over the last 10 years especially the now defunct Ashford call centre but which in its heyday was a nice little earner for UKIP.

The output is due to be shown on Panorama this autumn. Mr Spackman is a formidable forensic interviewer, not the usual BBC patsy push over for Farage. If Spackman has got his teeth into Mr F's soft and delicate parts then UKIP is in trouble. Mr Spackman has spent his career dealing with the Northern Ireland hard men of both persuasions. Methinks Farage will not be able to bullshit his way past Mr Spackman.

The cabal has good reason to be scared. Perhaps members of HM press corps should be on the doorstep of the Farmers club today around 4 :30 pm. They might pick up a good story.

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