Wednesday 23 December 2015

EU Philes wheel out their big guns and change tactics

Major, Clarke Heseltine and Hague have been wheeled out on high profile TV shows in the last few days to support the 'In' campaign. Clearly the Tories think Dave needs all the help he can get. All four carefully avoide getting involved with the nitty gritty that effects ordinary people arguing that the EU is obviously a good thing  and for the UK to leave would be the end of the world as know it plus of course mass unemployment and industrial disaster. As we scarcely have any manufacturing industry left the latter is a bit of a hollow threat so they fall back on the Armageddon senario to scare us into the arms of the EU. It is depressing like the scene in Orwell's 1984 dealing with how only Big Brother can save the plebs. It is of course complete rubbish and simply scaremongering.

The change of tactics aka a vote of no confidence in Dave, is well described by Reuter's jorno Michael Holden. I give the link below.;postID=6833536568920808272

The most telling quote from this piece comes from Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform think tank who said

"Hague was well respected in the party and noted his comments, coming days after Major, could be designed to move the debate beyond Cameron's tricky drive for EU reform."

"There will be a transition from saying 'I want to reform the EU so it will work better' to saying 'the EU is a good thing in itself'," he told Reuters. "It's no coincidence that Major and Hague have come out in this way."

"Despite the EU's many failings, he said, it provided stability for fragile democracies in central Europe. It would also not be in Britain's interests for the bloc to fall apart with such volatility in the Middle East and the world's economies"
This is not within the UK's power. It is only the ruling EU elite, Juncker, Merkel, Hollande that can reform the EU to try and achieve these laudable aims but they cannot see past their own political self interesr, VW cars, CAP and a political power grab.
It is fatuous for our Europhiles to argue we can change these politicians views which are governened by the simply fact that their re-election is paramount as it is with all politicians. Good things come last!

Tuesday 22 December 2015

EU warmongers

One of the many big lies from the EU is that it has kept the peace in Europe since its founding on 1st Jan 1958 as the Common Market. A typical piece of EU propaganda claiming credit for something good they did not do. Peace in Europe came from NATO founded 4th April 1949 an Anglo Saxon construct and therefore anathema to the Franco Prussians. The most recent European conflict in Bosnia was of course settled by NATO. The EU was not involved.

What did happen was the French, De Gaulle, and Germans, Adenauer signed a pact in 1963 to stop fighting each other and gang up on the Anglo Saxons, the US & UK as much as possible plus of course the other smaller nations of Europe. This was very much business as usual for the Franco Prussians who had been duffing up small European countries for many hundreds of years.. These smaller countries, Belgium, the Nordic countries etc, had previously looked to the UK as their natural protector. They have obviously forgotten the many times France & Germany have invaded and trashed their countries.

The French and Germans also had a go at Russia in 1812 and 1942 and lost badly both times. Unlike the mid Europeans the Russians have never forgotten the damage done to their country by the Franco Prussians, 30 million dead in 42/45 in what the Russian chess players I knew always called the Great Patriotic War. Putin sees the EU as the new Franco Prussian empire. He will rightly not tolerate such an empire on Russsia's border with the Ukraine. If the EU persists in its expansionary policy in Ukraine we will be dragged in to a a European war again. It is the  major reason in my book why we should leave the EU.

Russia was the country that won WWII in Europe, not the Yanks. We have all recently seen how their rocket technology was good enough to put Major Tim up to the International Space station. Thhe Yanks do not currently have a rocket capable of doing this. Russia also has formidable tanks, aircraft, submarines and rockets. How many tank divisions does JC Juncker have?

This Brussels controlled EU border force of 2500 men outwith national control is a recipe for starting another war when it comes up against the Russians in Ukraine, Turkey or Syria. The Russians will win hands down and the EU will via NATO go running to the US. The Yanks have to say No.

The EU has to find out that kicking around Greece, Spain and the rest of Club Med is one thing but when they come up against the Russians its the EU that will quite rightly take the kicking so let us hope we keep out of it.

Saturday 19 December 2015

Carswell, Farage, UKIP & the EU

UKIP is a Farage worshiping cult. That's the way has set it up over many years as a vehicle to enrich Nigel and by preferring people of little talent he has ensured no efective opposition to his rule and by his control of the EU funds won in European elections  by the efforts of the hard working poor, often pensioners, ordinary party members he has ensured contol of his cult through highly paid sycophants in all the key UKIP posts. .

Farage has never wanted to get us out of the EU. That was obvious to me within two minutes of meeting him. For a man of such limited talent he makes a very easy and very lucrative living out of the EU. It massages and gratifies his huge ego but  neither he nor the UKIP faithful see how he is manipulated and controlled by the EU at every turn. The EU are past masters at controling politicians.

Carswell is an honourable intelligent man who joined UKIP to try and get us out of the EU. He has now seen through Farage and knows Farage has to go as UKIP leader if the leave the EU movement is to  have any chance of succeeding. Farage's demise is a necessary but not a sufficient condition to get us out of the EU.

Carswell thought he was joining a regular political party. What he said about the leadership re the  recent Oldham by-election loss would not have raised a ripple in the the Conservative or Labour parties. But in the Farage UKIP cult no criticism of the leader is allowed.

Its a simple choice. For our country to get back its independence Farage has to permanently step down as UKIP leader. Who should replace him? The person who is acceptable to a wide range of voters is Diane James. She has the added advantage of being a woman opposed by the Bullingdon club hooray Henrys. That will be worth a million votes in the Referendum if spun correctly.

Look who Farage has put in as UKIP leader in Brussels - Nuttal the scouser. Who are Midlle England going to vote for in the Referendum, Mrs James or Nuttal? The referendum will be won and lost in the middle ground. Only Mrs James can reach out to that constituency. Farage and Nuttal will  ensure votes go to th stay in campaign.

Note also that Farage has kept control of the EU funds to pay his sycophants by remaining as leader of  the EFDD group. That is one of the ways the EU controls UKIP. But we will also be controlled by the EU via its propaganda arm, the BBC.

Our best hope is for the EU to create at least two more major cock ups. They will antagonise Putin at some stage sooon I hope. Remember what happened to Napoleon and Hitler and let us hope a similar fate befalls Merkel and Hollande.

Friday 18 December 2015

Where Farage question is answered.

Nigel is in Brussels trousering the EU's (Our hard earned) euros. Thats where the dosh is and as always with Farage just follow the money.


Anyone who disagrees with Farage is smeared and de-selected. I was voted on to the NEC and MEP slate by the members and de-selected by Farage's preferment seeking sycophants so its inevitable there will be no alternative views to Farage on the UKIP NEC.

UKIP is a one party state like North Korea where the great leader Kim  like Farage enjoys similar 90% plus ratings

Great put down of smug hypocrit Dimblebee by Rees Mogg

Monday 14 December 2015

Where is Farage?

I switched on Radio 4 this morning and there was Douglas Carswell, UKIP's only MP, debating Cameron's non-negotiaion with Europhile Tory MP Damien Green. Click below to listen

I switched on to today's Daily Politics at 12:00 and there again was Damien Green this time with Tory MEP Daniel Hannan debating the same issue.

Both Carswell and Hannan used the term Eurocrats . Green denied the existence of such people who dislike the UK .. There is a large building in central Brussels called the Berlaymont pictured below, that's where they live Mr Green, thousands of them.

Image result for berlaymont

Out of every 10 Eurocrats roughly 3 are French, 3 German and less than one British. Thats where the bias lies Mr Green.

But it is as Sherlock Holmes remarked it is the dog that did not bark that tells the real story. Where is Farage and his talentless army of MEPs? Answers please as comments on this blog.

Saturday 12 December 2015

Britain can save the EU and other myths

Fraser Nelson who edits the Spectator has written two very good pieces for the Daily Telegraph on Friday and Thursday.

It has long been my view that our best ally in the Brexit campaign is the EU itself. I have wtitten in this blog several pieces on this theme so it was gratifying to see Mr Nelson come round to my way of thinking. I cannot find this piece on the DT web site but if and when I will post the link.

It is entitled, " The EU itself is making a strong case for Britain voting to leave" and subtitled,

"If Europe cannot accept that reform is needed there is not much more the PM can do".

The first line is excelllent, " Since its inception the EU has been a trap for vain politicians.
This is a great lead in for Nelson's preceeding piece on a recurrent UK FCO fantasy that goes back to Heath. How well I rember this fairy tale from my days in the Civil Service in 71/73. Nick Ridley had it right, the EU is just a German racket.


I notice another great EU lie surfaced on QT this week viz that the EU had kept the peace in Europe. NATO did that. It was set up in 1949, 8 years before the Treaty of Rome. We owe our peace to the US led NATO not the shambolic EU that could not organise a p*** up in a brewery.

The Warsaw Pact, set up in 1955 pre dates the EU, and  also played a big part in restraining Franco Prussian military ambitions and we should be grateful to the Russians for this.

Thursday 10 December 2015

Trump articulates what the liberal elite dare not acknowledge..

There is a good blog callled Conservative Woman click below to read

It makes the good point that anti Muslim feeling is strong not just in NW Europe and the US but also in Japan, Hungary and even the saintly Aung Sang Suu Kyi is not keen on them in Burma or Myamar as it now calls itself so it has a worldwide spread. Why?

Well Islam as practised by many of its followers is not as Dave often  claims a religion of peace but an intolerant violent religion that recognises no other faith but Islam and kills Christians, Buddhist and anyone else who does not happen to agree with them. Now to be sure most Muslims do not go around killing non Muslims but there is a sizable number of our Muslim population sympathetic to ISIS and its murderous activities so they really cannot complain when some non -Muslims don't like this misplaced allegiance.

What puzzle me most is where are our rampant feminists, Greer and Toynbee speaking out against Muslim enslavement of women and female genital mutilation?

Even the homosexuals of both sexes, usually vociferous against any perceived insults sre relatively silent even when ISIS chucks their fellows to their death of tall buildings. Live and let live does not seem to figure in many Muslim preacher's beliefs.

The oft repeated statement that most Muslims are not terrorists is of course true but virtuallly all current terrorists do seem to be Muslim. so if you are looking for terrorists you wil find more in Muslim areas than you will in non-Muslim areas. You might find an apple w alking down the road but you will find many more if you walk through an orchard as B ayes Theorem elucidates..

Muslims with their head of family controlling all the family votes is corrupting our democracy as Tower Hamlets proves. The police are of coursed cowed by fear of being seen to be anti-Muslim. It is time to take all Chief Contables down to look at the figure of justice on top of the Old Bailey. She is blindfolded to emphasise justice is blind to race or religion. Political correctness has no place in our country. It is an American import as deadly to our society as any antibiotoc resistant virus.

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Why Donald Trump?

There is a non descript bunch of GOP candidates  plus an invisible, useless  President. They are all sticking their heads in the sand over Muslim problems. Its similar to the refusal of our political elite to acknowledge immigration was  the number issue with UK electors until it bit them in the ballots..

It will be then same im the US. Just wait for the Jan 16 Iowa caucus results. Voters in the US as in France will vote for a candidate who speaks about their real problems and concerns.

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Nads tells it how it is: Osborne for PM over her dead body

Look, George Osborne has spent the last ten years giving out sweeties to Conservative backbenchers, Labour Party people do it running for leadership as well. Sort of buying the friends, giving out the jobs. He’s run out of jobs to be able to give to people. He’s spent ten years buying votes on the backbenches, and the frontbenches too because he’s made those people into positions, so that one day they will vote for George Osborne to be leader. If that happens then I think what we need to do really, in all parties, is look at how our political system works because I don’t think it’s right that anybody of privilege should be able to come into parliament and use their privilege and their education, their background, in order to secure their career progression into the role of Prime Minister in the future. Because if George Osborne becomes Prime Minister, that is how he has done it.
JC: Would you leave the Party at that point?
ND: Well, we may have this discussion another day Jo.

Nads calls a posh boy with lots of inherited dosh what he is on today's Daily Politics.

Click above to hear it straight from the horses mouth.

The Labour woman Jess Phillips  was refreshingly straight as wel.

Add in Donald Trump and one wonders are politicians starting to tell a tiny bit of the truth?

Thursday 3 December 2015

Labour's grandees have f***ed their party for a generation

The 66 Labour MPs who voted in support of Cameron's lets bomb Syria motion have f***ed their party for a generation. The SNP all but wiped them out Labour in Scotland by labeling them, the "Red Tories". Now their grandees have confirmed that label as correct. In contrast the SNP spokesman Stuart Hosie presented a reasoned critique of Cmaeron's silly motion  and gave a clear plan of how to hurt ISIL without risking civilian casualties and what to do afterwards. It sounded like sound common sense to me. Click below to listen to his Marr interview last  Sunday.

Sure Hilary Benn made a fine speech. I listened to his father make many fine speeches but they had no effect outside the Westminster bubble. It was one of the Emperor Augustus's favourite sayings, "Fine words butter no parsnips". Labour need a new set of grandees who live and work in the real world of ordinary people. Beckett, Mrs Balls Chukka etc just don't cut it with us plebs. They all live a cosseted comfortable life at our expense.

One of the many things our political elite did not mention is, what happens when a RAF plane and its crew ends up in ISIL hands? I hope it does not happen but if we are there for any length of time its an odds on certainty. A similar situation finished Jimmy Carter as US president. I guess Obama may be lucky enough to leave before the sh1t hits the fan but Cameronis there for the next 4 years so his chances of escape do not look good. Teflon Tony he is not.

PS Listen to Alec Salmond's take on Benn's speech